Luxury Living Supplier

Luxury Living Supplier


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The broadest definition of space, which plays a significant role in the communication between space and the user, is presented in the Eczacıbaşı Art Encyclopedia (1997). According to this definition, space is “the portion of the environment delimited by human intervention” and is an indispensable essence of architecture. Izgi (1999) further emphasizes that space possesses an intangible dimension characterized by its impact on emotions as perceived through our perception and intuition. It is this abstract quality that imparts a distinct character to each space. While considering objective physical environmental factors, the influence of our emotions in shaping our perception of space is also significant. The experience of space is an emotional journey encompassing movements, and each movement influences our emotional state.

Multiple authors highlight the semantic distinctions between the creators/designers of a space and those who utilize or observe it from a distance. Consequently, it becomes crucial to establish linguistic harmony between the architect shaping the space and those who observe/use it. When there is effective communication and a genuine sense of empathy between the architect and the user, the outcome is often immensely gratifying and evokes happiness.